General Volunteers
We Need Volunteers - 2 Ways to Get Connected
PIP can help link you to the type of service that meets your family needs.
- Current volunteer opportunities can be found at then click the volunteer button or click on this link now. Click here Volunteer Opportunities Available Now
- The PIP General Volunteer Coordinator can help connect you to the volunteer opportunities that meet your needs. Click here to let the Volunteer Coordinator know your needs: PIP Volunteer Form
Our greatest need is for Charter Cafe lunch volunteers. There are also many other areas of parent involvement that we can share with you after you complete the electronic PIP Volunteer Form.
For questions about volunteering, please contact the PIP Volunteer Coordinator, Libby Campbell at for general volunteer information
Scan the QR code for the PIP Volunteer Form to get connected to volunteer opportunities that meet your needs.
Parent Volunteer Requirements at GTCHS
The success of GTCHS depends greatly on parent involvement. The success of our students is greatly increased due to the partnership with GTCHS parents.
Each parent is asked to volunteer 18 hours on behalf of the school or a total of 36 hours per two-parent family.
Donations are also accepted to fulfill parent volunteer hours. $10.00 worth of donated items = 1 service hour
Parents will be asked to log in the total donated hours on the Google Form in April of each year.
A helpful form has been designed to help parents keep track of hours until it is time to turn in your hours in April.