Lilly Fuller, Winner of the PIP Membership Swag Basket, including the GTCHS Paint Drip Shirt as her prize.

The Fuller Family Wins the PIP Membership Swag Basket - Lily Fuller picks the Paint Drip Shirt as part of her winnings.

PIP Memberships Support Our School - Renew Your Membership Every Year

  • Our goal this year is to have 100% of our families join PIP.  If you haven't joined, please join today. 

     Join PIP Here

    There are three types of memberships.

    $20.00 Family Membership which includes a $10.00 donation to help PIP help our school

    $10.00 Family Membership

    $5.00 Single Membership

    How To Join:

    Send a check or cash to the front office in an envelope clearly marked PIP Membership c/o Misty Chidester.

    Mail to the following address:

    PIP c/o Misty Chidester

    Greenville Technical Charter High School

    P.O. Box 5616, MS 1202

    Greenville, SC 29606-5616

    If you prefer to pay online, click on the link below.

    Join PIP Here