Orchestra meets 2B in the music room
Tuesday: scales & direction
Thursday: play thrrough
Friday: project presentations
Tuesday: sight reading and rehearsalThursday: sectionalsFriday: presentations. Elijah Marsh, Christopher Shaw, Myers Gary, Olivier Kanyama, Emily Garcia Morin
Tuesday: Scales, new music
Thursday: bowing & play through
Friday: sub
Teacher: Ms. Haskell
e-mail: chaskell@staff.gtchs.org
google classroom code: lzjdhmo
Course description: Orchestra 2 will provide exemplary musical experiences that enable players and audience members to be engaged, actively and reflectively, using high quality examples of orchestral literature from a wide range of genres and time periods.
1. To perform string orchestra music of various styles, genres, and periods that represent traditional as well as contemporary performance practices.
2. To further develop musicianship through playing a stringed instrument.
3. To provide opportunities for student to acquire additional knowledge in pedagogy, conducting, music history, theory and notation.
4. To develop an understanding of and appreciation for the process of musical experience. 5. To create a framework in which the creative expressiveness of each individual can be developed and encouraged through the collaborative process of string orchestra rehearsals and performance opportunities.