• GTCHS Physical Education

    Strength Training /Intro to Strength Training

    Course Syllabus


    Class Information:

    All students will be taught the basics of strength training and its concepts.  Speed, agility, and conditioning principles will also be taught.  


    Teacher Information:

    Coach Appenheimer

    Office Phone #= 864-250-8976-Coach App,       

    Email= aappenheimer@staff.gtchs.org   



    Course Description:  Students will learn lifting safety techniques, while participating in class.  Physical performance along with cognitive tests and goal setting will take place regularly.  Each student will track  their progress which will guide them into becoming confident and competent lifters.  


    Class Objectives:  

    • Introduce students  to lifting techniques and principles which they will be able to utilize throughout their lifetime.  

    • To teach students how to self assess, then set appropriate short term and long term goals.  

    • To equip students with a base understanding of weight lifting processes.  

    • To assist students in understanding how their body works through movement, while enhancing their knowledge of anatomy and physiology.  


    General Weight Room Policies:

    • No food or drink allowed

    • No foul language

    • Athletic shoes and proper athletic attire required for participation

    • No horseplay

    • Clean up your area immediately following each exercise

    • Always lift with a spotter/be a safe spotter

    • Always use collars on the bars

    • Keep your safety and the safety of those around you at all times, as THE TOP PRIORITY!!!

    Locker Room Expectations:

    1. Keep your hands to yourself and your property.

    2. Locker rooms are for changing quickly and quietly

    3. No Horseplay or misuse of facility equipment (i.e. lockers, bench)

    4. Keep it clean, clothing, trash, deodorant containers, etc...

    5. Keep noise level down- no hollering, slamming lockers, etc...

    6. Respect others property and space


    8. Any lost and found items must be claimed within a week or they will be thrown away.


    Course Requirements:

    Be on time and prepared to participate daily.  The only exception is a legal medical note which limits or prohibits participation.  Written assignments will be given for each medically excused absence.  You will be required to track your progress on every exercise each day.  You will be graded upon completion of this task.  Physical and knowledge tests will be given throughout the semester.  





    Class Participation= 45% =

    During each class period students will be instructed how to perform activities properly.  They are required to participate in all activities (warm-ups, stretching, agility drills, etc..) unless medically excused.  They will be able to change the amount of weight which they are lifting in order to complete the task.  They must  complete sets and repetitions which were assigned to them.  If they choose to skip these, this will result in a lowering of their class participation grade. 

     Start the year with 100%.   Each non-dress day is -5 points.   Example:  2 no clothes days = 90/100.   Four no clothes days = 80%.


    Instances when daily points are not earned:

    *Absent from class (school activity is an exception)

    *Clothing violation=No participation in class activities

    ***can earn point for day if participate without proper clothing


    *Lack of participation (instructor may deduct -5 points from daily grade)

    *Dismissal from gym/activity due to disruptive behavior= -20pts. From daily grade.  

    *Medical condition (injury or illness) Written assignments will be issued for the student.  


    Charting progress, Homework, Quizzes= 35%

    Students will be asked to complete a few homework assignments and quizzes throughout the semester.  This will aid the instructor in reinforcing the main concepts and topics which are important to their success in the weight room.  Each lifter will track their progress in an excel spreadsheet and hand them in weekly.  



    There will be a written exam at the end of the semester to assess the student’s knowledge the lessons taught.  

    Clothing Policy: 

    Appropriate workout attire is a full-length t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, socks, and tennis shoes. Shoe laces must be tied tightly. Jewelry is at the discretion of the instructor and may be asked to be removed for safety reasons.  The clothes a student wears to school will not be considered “proper dress”.

    Opportunities to gain Mastery:


    The weight room will host (non-mandatory) after school and before school training sessions for all GTCHS students.  Students with the weight training and PE classes may attend any of these sessions to work toward master or make up for missed classes/points deducted.  The schedule and times for these sessions (TBD) can be found on the website under the athletics tabs.  Scroll to the bottom and chick on the weight lifting tabs.  Then consult the calendar.