PE 1 Class Description

Dear Students and Parents,

My name is Ben Shiley and I am the Athletic Director and Physical Education teacher at GTCHS.

The Physical Education classes will meet in the SLC Gym.  A majority of our class instruction will take place in the gym.  There will be days that the class will go to Gower & Cleveland Parks. The students will be transported in the GTCHS bus each day that we use their facility.  These facilities have baseball fields and tennis/pickleball courts to use.


The following supplies will be needed for Physical Education class.


Any color and it must be long enough to tuck into the shorts. 



Any color and must be athletic styleNo jeans, cargo or pleated shorts.

Tennis shoes

Must have laces that are tied and have backs that cover the heel.

Gym bag

Large enough for all items to fit in.


Proper shoes are required for class everyday.  Crocs, sandals, slides, flip flops and the like are not proper shoe attire for class.  This is a safety issue.


There is a document that needs to be filled out and returned to me as soon as possible.  The Health Statement document will be with me at all times in case of an emergency.  It is VERY important that medical conditions and contact phone numbers are accurate.  I will have a phone with me at all times for such circumstances.  The most common situations are allergies, asthma, and bee stings.


I am looking forward to a new school year and working with the students and parents to make this a positive learning environment for everyone.  I can be contacted by e-mail or phone the athletic office at 672-3891.  My office hours are from 9:30-10:50 Mon-Fri.  





PHONE: 864-672-3891





Provide the knowledge to students to make responsible choices regarding their health through physical activity, sport, fitness, and nutrition.




  1. Students will acquire the knowledge of physical fitness concepts.

  2. Students will acquire leadership skills through team sports participation.

  3. Students will develop an understanding for the significance of lifestyle on one’s health and fitness.

  4. Students will develop an individual optimal level of physical fitness.




Grading for Physical Education will be determined on each individual’s performance, participation, social dynamics, and classroom assignments.



Explanation of Assessment


Not all athletes perform at the same level and should not be evaluated at the same level.


This is VERY IMPORTANT.  This includes having the correct clothing each day.  Being involved in the activity, and performing to the best or your ability.

Social dynamics

This includes teamwork, treatment of others in the class, and helping others making the class a positive experience.

Classroom assignments

We will have several hours in a classroom where assignments and tests will be given about health, fitness, leadership and sports and rules.


Clothing Grade -  50 points.  Start the year with 100%.   Each non-dress day is -5 points.   Example:  2 no clothes days = 40/50.   Four no clothes days = 60%.


Daily Participation and Attendance (1 point each day)

*Attend, prepared, and fully participate =1 point

Class Requirements: 

  1. Listen to and follow ALL directions given by your instructor

  2. Be on time! Meet in the Gym

  3. Participation & Motivation- bring a great attitude and effort to class everyday.  Don’t whine, don’t complain, don’t make excuses!

  4. Appropriate T-shirt and gym shorts (no cut offs, tank tops or spandex shorts.  All shorts must remain around the waist, No Exceptions!! 

  5. Treat facilities and equipment with respect. 

  6. Horseplay and profanity is not acceptable

  7. No Pop, Gum, Candy, tobacco, etc... is allowed in gym or locker room

  8. Dr.’s note or trainer’s note for any medical issues lasting more than 2 class periods. 


Locker Room Expectations:

  1. Keep your hands to yourself and your property.

  2. Locker rooms are for changing quickly and quietly

  3. No Horseplay or misuse of facility equipment (i.e. lockers, bench)

  4. Keep it clean, clothing, trash, deodorant containers, etc...

  5. Keep noise level down- no hollering, slamming lockers, etc...

  6. Respect others property and space


  8. Any lost and found items must be claimed within a week or they will be donated.


Outside Expectations:

  1. Stay in view of instructor at all times

  2. Help carry equipment in/out as needed

  3. Respect facilities and equipment (i.e. stay away from cars, stay on sidewalks and off private lawns, etc.)


 Clothing Policy

Appropriate workout attire is a full-length t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, socks, and tennis shoes. Shoe laces must be tied tightly. Jewelry is at the discretion of the instructor and may be asked to be removed for safety reasons.